The vintage Motor Cycle Club - VMCC
The Vintage Motor Cycle Club


VMCC Section

Registered Address

Allen House, Wetmore Road,

Burton upon Trent,

Staffordshire, DE14 1TR

Hi All,

This is the updated Bluebell entry form. The paragraph at the bottom of page 2 now includes the reduced entry fee of £8.00 for our VMCC visit to the military museum for groups of 10 or over.

Thanks, Dave Bradbury

Bluebell 2025 entry form v2

Hi All,

The Bluebell run details have now been shared with you all. You will note that on the Friday 2nd May as part of the run we are proposing to visit the Maldon Military Museum. I have just spoken to Julie Miller and she has agreed to a reduced rate of £8.00 as long as we have a group of 10 or more - so even more incentive to come along!
She also told me about an event she is supporting in Maldon this weekend that some of you might be interested in attending. see the flyer below for your information.

Historic Military Vehicles Rally

Hi Everyone,

Our Annual AGM went ahead as planned and all officers were re-elected (hopefully you saw my short email with notes from the evening). It seems as though having a free raffle and some nibbles helps attract a decent turnout - I can't think why ;
2025 planning is now in full swing and we have pretty much finalised the details for our Bluebell run. A different twist this year in that we have decided to try a mid-week rather than week end so hopefully we will still see a decent turnout - further details below
I received a request to see if we could provide a rider with a BSA Gold Star at very short notice to help lead a funeral procession for a former racer Peter Coleby on his final journey to Brentwood crematorium. I was delighted when section member Clive Tooby stepped forward with his immaculate BSA. The relatives were absolutely delighted and I understand that the Gold Star really was the "Star" of what was otherwise a sad event. Well done Clive - details and a few pictures are now on our Facebook page and website; News page.

February's club night 12th February 2025 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

Weather dependent but we are hoping to have a presentation by James Robinson, Editor of "The Classic MotorCycle" magazine. It should be a very interesting chat with some good stories and anecdotes.

March's club night 12th March 2025 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

John Sharp will be talking to us about his experiences and Travels in the far east including pictures! If any of you have ever wondered what's involved, I am reliably informed that John will be very happy to answer all your questions.

Upcoming rides

It's still a little way off but Paul Fletcher will be leading our cobwebs run, the first ride of the year on Sunday 16th March meeting at 9.30 for a 10.00 departure. The ride will be approximately 50 miles with a Coffee stop half way ride and ending in South Woodham Ferrers. I look forward to seeing all those winter rebuilds!

We are still looking for volunteers to lead rides in 2025 - I've attached a copy of the most up to date calendar - please take a look and let me or any of the other committee members know if you fancy having a go or even want to learn a little more about what is involved.

Any other business

I am delighted to attach a flyer/application for the Bluebell run which for 2025 will be run from 28th April to 2nd May. Dave Bradly has very kindly stepped forward to act as the chief co-ordinator (many thanks Dave). All details are on the flyer, and there will be four rides over the week all going to different places, but starting and finishing at the Museum of Power, Hatfield Road, Langford, Maldon, Essex CM9 6QA. Sign on will be 9.00am to 9.45am each day with departure at 10.00am. The ride fee will be £2 per ride, which although marginally higher than normal social rides, reflects the extra effort that has gone in to arranging this all. There will be a dinner at the Mill House Hotel on Thursday evening however first dibs on this will be reserved for those camping at the Museum of Power. Please do your best to participate - this is a showcase event for the section and subject to the vagaries of the weather, we hope will be a fun and enjoyable event.

Bluebell 2025 entry form v2 ; 8th Feb updated Bluebell entry form. The paragraph at the bottom of page 2 now includes the reduced entry fee of £8.00 for our VMCC visit to the military museum for groups of 10 or over.

That's all for now folks - hope to see some of you at the next club night.



2025 Calendar: 2025 calendar

It was Peter Coleby's funeral today. His son-in-law requested a BSA Gold Star to accompany the funeral procession which took place today, he writes:-

My father in law was Peter Coleby who raced in the 50’s and 60’s and was a self employed engineer in Walthamstow. He did a lot of one off pieces for bikers right up until 3 years ago , then aged 87. He rode and was great friends with George Bacon, a Romford based rider, and Dennis Butler who was a Honda & vintage bike dealer in Sawbridgeworth in case someone might know them. As I said he rode Bultacos and these are a few pictures of him.

Peter Colby and Bultaco

Peter Colby riding a Bultaco

Peter Colby  and other

Clive Tooby rode his BSA Gold Star at the funeral and his bike was the star of the day. I was a bit concerned as he went between the hearse and the limousine and they did the 8 mile journey at probably just over 20mph as he had said something to me about riding it slowly being difficult but he managed it. TG. Also it rained from about 10am but stopped just before we set off at 10:40 and then remained dry I would imagine until he got home. It made the day that little bit extra special so thank you ever so much for putting me in touch with him. We had a lot of whatsApp conversations on Sunday and I sent him lots of info regarding Peter and he was genuinely interested in his motorcycle history.

Clive Tooby Gold Star

  1. Section President officially opened the meeting – then passed to the Chairman for his yearly report
  2. Chairman presented his yearly report – thanked all committee members and ride leaders and then passed to the Treasurer to present the section accounts
  3. Treasurer went through the accounts – highlighted that for the first year we were showing more outgoings than incoming. It was pointed out that we had made a couple of exceptional purchases (e.g. projector) and that without this we would have been roughly flat. A debate began over the merit of either raising the cost per ride to two pounds or reducing the subsidy down to fifteen pounds – this was politely referred to the AOB section. Richard Parker then proposed the accounts be adopted and Mick Grimes seconded.
  4. Chaiman advised Richard Parker will be the new Webmaster and that all items for inclusion should in future be forwarded to him.
  5. Chairman asked for AOB and we debated the merits of increasing the cost per ride or reducing the subsidy as outlined above. After discussion it was agreed to maintain at current levels as it was felt that the subsidy had been in part been the inducement for the increased number of rides in 2024. We will review again next year to see if the levels are still merited.
  6. The annual donation to charity was raised and Dave Iszard commented on the fact that the committee felt any donation should be made to a smaller local charity. This was endorsed by members and Little Havens proposed as the recipient, however in view of the current section account balance the donation should be reduced to two hundred and fifty pounds. Put to the members present and supported unanimously.
  7. There being nothing further the President closed this element.
  8. All current serving committee members were then officially stood down.
  9. Chairman confirmed that he is prepared to stand again as was the Treasurer and the Secretary and asked if there are any other proposals – none put forward.
  10. Chairman confirmed that George and David Smith, Rex Croft and Dave Coatsworth were all happy to serve again as committee members – there were no further proposals from the floor.
  11. The elections were proposed en-masse by Mark Gelsthorpe and seconded by John Ruth. The Chairman welcomed everyone and closed the meeting.




Happy New Year! Slightly later just so I could add that in!

Lets hope that we have loads of fun, great weather and reliable bikes - oh and obviously health, wealth and happiness!

I hope that those of you that attended the last club night enjoyed the film show, please let me know either way and if it gets the nod of approval maybe we will try it again this year.

My modernish winter ride (2007 Suzuki DRZ400SM) has been put back on the road for the mucky season, but it is turning into a bit of a prima donna. The rear light fitting and indicators started playing up. Onto ebay and a shiny new one piece unit was purchased and fitted. It looked great in the garage but none of my "friends" could see it when we were out riding and after a lot of muttering and complaining I was cajoled into getting another new one at great personal expense. Honestly the things I do to keep my mates happy! Two new tyres and tubes were fitted only to have the rear go flat after a couple of rides. A return to the fitters for a new tube revealed the old one had a small hole in the tube only visible with a bit of manipulation (ooh err missus!) Not to worry "I'll fit the new tube I've ordered in especially" says the mechanic. Unfortunately though it had shrunk in the post, and what was supposed to be a 17" was now only a 12" - how many of you have suffered shrinkage issues?? Any how a quick patch and its all back together again now and holding air. Next job is to replace the leaking front fork seals - I suppose I could do it myself but its such a faff, its booked in next Tuesday! :) This bike riding is getting expensive!

Enough of my ramblings lets get down to business:-

January's club night 8th January 2025 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

Januarys club night will be our annual AGM - all of the current committee members have begrudgingly agreed to stand again (after I let them out of there full nelsons) but we are always looking for fresh ideas and new members to step up. All roles are up for re-election so if you are unhappy with what we are up to; feel that you could do better; or just feel like putting something back in to the section, then please let me know. To help entice attendance, once again we will be laying on a selection of free nibbles, and the much trailered and awaited free raffle. We are going to try and get everything competed even quicker than last year so that the merriment can resume.

February's club night 12th February 2025 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

Still work in progress - I'll confirm shortly

Any other business

I am delighted to advise that Richard Parker (of Garelli buzz box and Moto Morini fame) has very kindly agreed to take over our website admin from George Smith. Please let Richard have any future items for inclusion - his email is - our thanks go to George for all his hard work keeping it updated until now, and good luck and thanks Richard.

I am attaching a diary for 2025 rides. In 2024 we had probably the largest number of rides ever (17) and my thanks go out to all the ride leaders and tailenders that made it so successful.

2025 Events Calendar - updated 10th Jan 2025

Its starting to fill up nicely but please take a look and let me know if you would like to lead a ride in 2025. The provisional dates are based on what was run in 2024, but please don't let that put you off, If you would prefer a different day of the week or date just let me know and I am sure that we can accommodate it.

It doesn't need to be a massive "Iron butt" type run either - we need a mix of longish and shortish rides, and don't forget that you can claim twenty quid towards petrol money for checking out and planning the route. All you need is a coffee stop, a lunch stop (with afternoon tea if its a full days ride) joined together by nice roads simples!

If you are a little nervous feel free to chat to me or any other committee member, or even a previous ride leader to understand exactly what is involved. It really can be a lot of fun and in need I am sure we can pair you up with an experienced ride leader to help out with your planning.

You will note that I have included a couple of meet ups with two of our local neighbours. Martyn and Angus (the respective secretaries) will also be sharing with me their full diaries in case any of you feel like joining them or scheduling another meet.

That's all for now folks - hope to see you at the AGM for the free grub and raffle.



Hi All,

Here is my final missive for 2024. First of all let me start by saying "We was robbed!" - I am of course referring to the excellent Beckinsales quiz night when the Strauss mafia beat us to first place by a single point! Despite my strongest protestations the quiz master refused to accept one of our answers and we were left crying into our beer :(

Begrudging congratulations to team Strauss - we are already plotting our revenge for next year!

A great night nevertheless that was really well attended - thanks go out to John and Ann for all the behind the scenes hard work that they put in to make it such a success.

Decembers club night 11th December 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

This will be something a little different as we are planning a picture night so bring along your popcorn and nachos (well hot chocolate for some!) George has been busy with his credit card and has managed to source a smashing "old bike" related DVD.

January's club night 8th January 2025 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

I hereby give notice that Januarys club night will be our annual AGM - all of the current committee members have begrudgingly agreed to stand again (after I let them out of there full nelsons) but we are always looking for fresh ideas and new members to step up. All roles are up for re-election so if you are unhappy with what we are up to; feel that you could do better; or just feel like putting something back in to the section, then please let me know by the end of December. To help entice attendance, once again we will be laying on a selection of free nibbles, and we are going to try and get everything competed even quicker than last year.

As further enticement we will also be holding a "free raffle" - yes you heard that right a "free raffle". John has been busy scouting for interesting Knick knacks.

Any other business

I am attaching a provisional diary for 2025 rides. In 2024 we had probably the largest number of rides ever and my thanks go out to all the ride leaders and tailenders that made it so successful.

Please take a look and let me know if you would like to lead a ride in 2025. The provisional dates are based on what was run in 2024, but please don't let that put you off, If you would prefer a different day of the week or date just let me know and I am sure that we can accommodate it.

It doesn't need to be a massive "Iron butt" type run either - we need a mix of longish and shortish rides, and don't forget that you can claim twenty quid towards petrol money for checking out and planning the route. All you need is a coffee stop, a lunch stop (with afternoon tea if its a full days ride) joined together by nice roads simples!

If you are a little nervous feel free to chat to me or any other committee member, or even a previous ride leader to understand exactly what is involved. It really can be a lot of fun and in need I am sure we can pair you up with an experienced ride leader to help out with your planning.

You will note that I have included a couple of meet ups with two of our local neighbours. Martyn and Angus (the respective secretaries) will also be sharing with me their full diaries in case any of you feel like joining them or scheduling another meet.

2025 Events Calendar

Photo Competition

There is still time to register your vote for the Photo competition - George will be bringing along copies for you to look at next club night, along with some voting slips. You can either vote there and then or email them to me or any other of the committee or hand them personally to one of us either at club night or on any of the runs where there are usually one or two of us present. If you don't know who we are just ask, but for clarity any of me, Dave Iszard, John Beckinsale, George Smith, Dave Smith, Rex Croft, Ray Spearman or Dave Coatsworth will gladly accept your entries.

It looks like we already have a clear favourite but there's still time to change that!

The results will be announced at the January AGM and there will be a worthy prize for the winner.

It just remains for me on behalf of myself and the other members of the committee to wish you a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year and thanks for all you participation and support in 2024.

That's all folks



Hi All,

Slightly later than usual, so that I can include some updates from our recent committee meeting. Firstly a comment on last months club night presentation from Richard Percival which was absolutely phenomenal. I must say that being a banker by profession (no puns please), at times I was completely bemused and befuddled, but one thing we were all clear about was that "Perce" really knows his stuff about cutting gears and building specialist gearboxes. It was a really engrossing discussion and big thanks to Dave Iszard for finding him and convincing him to come along. If anyone has any suggestions for similar interesting topics/speakers do let me or one of the committee know and we will see what we can do to organise.

Last ride for 2024 was concluded by the brothers Strauss (not to be confused with the brothers Grimm!) who stepped up at short notice. Unfortunately I had to miss out to look after a sick wife, but the feedback has been really good with some lesser travelled roads and superfast service at the Dobbs Weir café, thanks guys.

I am attaching a provisional diary for 2025 rides. In 2024 we had probably the largest number of rides ever and my thanks go out to all the ride leaders and tailenders that made it so successful.

Please take a look and let me know if you would like to lead a ride in 2025. The provisional dates are based on what was run in 2024, but please don't let that put you off, If you would prefer a different day of the week or date just let me know and I am sure that we can accommodate it.

It doesn't need to be a massive "Iron butt" type run either - we need a mix of longish and shortish rides, and don't forget that you can claim twenty quid towards petrol money for checking out and planning the route. All you need is a coffee stop, a lunch stop (with afternoon tea if its a full days ride) joined together by nice roads simples!

If you are a little nervous feel free to chat to me or any other committee member, or even a previous ride leader to understand exactly what is involved. It really can be a lot of fun and in need I am sure we can pair you up with an experienced ride leader to help out with your planning.

You will note that I have included a couple of meet ups with two of our local neighbours. Martyn and Angus (the respective secretaries) will also be sharing with me their full diaries in case any of you feel like joining them or scheduling another meet.

Novembers club night 13th November 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

November sees the really excellent Beckinsale's General Knowledge quiz. Its always a lot of fun with the added bonus of prizes for the winning team. John and Anne always put in a lot of effort to get the questions pitched at just the right level. Do you best to come along, bring your mates and maybe even dust off your better halves to help bolster your question answering capability!

Decembers club night 11th December 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

This will be something a little different as we are planning a picture night so bring along your popcorn and nachos (well hot chocolate for some!) It will definitely be something "old bike" related but I will keep the specifics a under wraps for now. We will also be holding a "free" raffle - yes you heard that right "free raffle" so a great way to save money on those Christmas pressies for your nearest and dearest!

Any other business

AGM 8th January

Its that time of year again and we will be holding our AGM at Januarys club night - all of the current committee members have begrudgingly agreed to stand again (well after I let them out of there full nelsons) but we are always looking for fresh ideas and new members to step up. All roles including Secretary, (nudge nudge wink wink) are up for re-election and some of us have been in place for a number of years now so would really welcome the rest. If you think this could be you, please let me know by the end of December. To help entice attendance once again we will be laying on a selection of free nibbles, and we are going to try and get everything competed even quicker than last years attempt.

Photo Competition

We have had a few more entries flood in (well more of a trickle really) but there is still time to get your masterpieces in. You can either email them to me or any other of the committee or hand them personally to one of us either at club night or on any of the runs where there are usually one or two of us present. If you don't know who we are just ask, but for clarity any of me, Dave Iszard, John Beckinsale, George Smith, Dave Smith, Rex Croft, Ray Spearman or Dave Coatsworth will gladly accept your entries.

Entries will be judged at the January AGM and there will be a worthy prize for the winner.

Good luck, the odds on winning remain exceptional!

That's all folks



Hi there,

Firstly at last night's club night we announced that Dave Iszard has very kindly stepped forward to lead a ride this weekend. Starting at Maldon's Tesco 9.30 for a 10.00 departure the route will stop at Abberton reservoir for coffee and then onto Lunch at the Mill House hotel Langford at around 13.30 where the choice will be either a Beef or Chicken roast. The total ride will be approximately 45 miles.

If anyone else is thinking of coming forward but doesn't want the hassle of creating a route Steve Back has one already prepared (just needs checking for the coffee stop and lunch stop) that he is happy to share - contact either Steve or me for more details.

Secondly our Photo competition is drawing to a close - a reminder that subjects should be based upon 2024 Section activities, runs and general VMCC type activity. Include bikes (which must be VMCC eligible) and people but do let your imagination and creative juices flow.

Landscape photos show up best on webpage.

For inclusion please email your photo (or photos) to: or or any committee member. Include a brief description and who you are.
Alternatively hand them personally to any committee member, either at THE club night or on any of the runs where there are usually one or two of us present. If you don't know who we are just ask, but for clarity any of:- Simon Enticknap, Dave Iszard, John Beckinsale, George Smith, Dave Smith, Rex Croft, Ray Spearman or Dave Coatsworth, will gladly accept your entries.
Members Voting

Winners will be decided by THE Essex members votes. To vote email George Smith or Simon Enticknap as above including your name, membership number and the number of your choice of photo. There will also be copies of photos and voting forms at October, November and December club nights. Entries close Sunday 5th January 2025.

Further details and the pictures submitted so far can be found on our website
That's all folks

Hi there,

This months update for you all - let me start by saying that if you didn't come along to last months club night then you missed a really interesting presenter. in the form of John Young. John told all about his exploits on his old Trident completing the "Iron Butt" rally in the US. Its basically a ride of +/- 11,000 miles to be completed over 11 days which was a bit of a contrast to our 40 odd mile ride outs! Suffice to say it was a really interesting and compelling story that was much enjoyed by all those present. If you want to check out what hes up to next hopefully this link will work

A flurry of autumn rides led by Dave's Izard and Bradley, Paul Weston and Stephen Back and John Ruth all had decent turnouts. Ride reports and pictures can all be found on our website or hopefully using this link
Octobers club night 9th October 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

What we hope will prove to be another excellent night we have coerced Richard Percival from Percival Engineering to come along and chat with us about his engineering experiences. He is an excellent fabricator and spends his time around steam engines and bikes including entering long distance trials. He has also built entire gear clusters from scratch so it promises to be a really interesting discussion. Richard says he prefers to take questions from the floor rather than just talk to you, so please come armed with lots of questions about life the universe and everything! hopefully here's a link to his facebook page to give you some further insights

Novembers club night 13th November 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

November sees the return of the really excellent Beckinsale's General Knowledge quiz. Its always a lot of fun with the added bonus of prizes for the winning team. John and Anne always put in a lot of effort to get the questions pitched at just the right level. Do you best to come along, bring your mates and maybe even dust off your better halves to help bolster your question answering capability!

Upcoming section rides

I mentioned last month that there were a few slots looking for ride leaders this month. I am delighted to say that the brothers Strauss have stepped up to the challenge. NB there are still two other rides currently in the 2024 schedule for 6th, and 13th October however there are no other ride leaders for these at present so if no one comes forward these will not proceed.

Wednesday 23rd October
Julian and Stuart Strauss will be leading another trundle through the hyways and byways of Essex - starting at Battlesbridge Antiques centre SS11 7RF (what three words wished.amicably.arranges) 9.30 for a 10.00 departure. Tea break at Norton Heath cafe after approx 20 miles and then on to Dobbs Weir cafe (approx another 25 miles) where the ride will end.

Please do your best to support the rides not only to enjoy them but to reward the efforts of the ride arrangers, and hopefully entice them to do more in the future.

Any other business

Photo Competition

We have had a few more entries flood in (well more of a trickle really) but there is still time to get your masterpieces in. You can either email them to me or any other of the committee or hand them personally to one of us either at club night or on any of the runs where there are usually one or two of us present. If you don't know who we are just ask, but for clarity any of me, Dave Iszard, John Beckinsale, George Smith, Dave Smith, Rex Croft, Ray Spearman or Dave Coatsworth will gladly accept your entries.

Entries will be judged at the January AGM and there will be a worthy prize for the winner.

Good luck, the odds on winning remain exceptional!

That's all folks



This months update for you all - a couple of well attended rides last month and I promised not to name names but we have a late surge for the unluckiest rider of the year award :)!

We seem to have a late flurry of opportunities for outings this month so get in quick before the autumn sets in and you are confined to the garage for refurbishing.

First of we have a great presenter set up for this months club night:-
Septembers club night 11th September 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

A real treat lined up for you, John Young will be coming along to regale us with his experiences of attending the 2011 Iron Butt Rally. He will be passing a bucket round to collect for charity so make sure you bring lots of cash along with you. Hopefully this link with give a bit of an idea what's in store

Octobers club night 9th October 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

What we hope will prove to be another excellent night we have coerced Richard Percival from Percival Engineering to come along and chat with us about his engineering experiences. He is an excellent fabricator and spends his time around steam engines and bikes including entering long distance trials. He has also built entire gear clusters from scratch so it promises to be a really interesting discussion. Richard says he prefers to take questions from the floor rather than just talk to you, so please come armed with lots of questions about life the universe and everything!

Upcoming section rides

An absolute wealth of opportunities for you this month starting with:-

Wednesday 4th September
Dave Bradley will be leading another meander through the hyways and byways of Essex - starting at Tesco's Maldon CM9 4LE (what three words exam.handicaps.whiplash) 9.45 for a 10.15. departure. No morning coffee stop but after about 37 miles to the Serendipity Cafe at Shoebury Garrison we should arrive by about 11.30 for an early lunch and then on for afternoon tea/ice cream 20 miles from lunch at the Haybarn Tea rooms Battlesbridge.

Wednesday 11th September

Dave Iszard will be leading a "bone-shaker" ride for girder forks and solid or hub sprung rear ends - the bikes not yours! 9.30 for a 10 start from the Museum of Power at Langford. Coffee and lunch stops and afternoon tea if time allows. Rural route mostly, about 40 miles. Further details Dave 07543901340

Wednesday 18th September

Paul Weston will be leading yet another of his interesting rides starting at Writtle Green car park CM1 3DT (what three words matter.foam.tooth) 9.30 for a 10.00 departure. Coffee stop at the Cafe Easton Lodge with lunch planned (currently!) at the Crown in Little Walden - distance to the pub is about 38 miles with the return a little less if a more direct route is taken.

Wednesday 25th September

John Ruth and Stephen Back will be leading a swansong event for them for 2024 starting at Writtle Green car park CM1 3DT (what three words matter.foam.tooth) 9.30 for a 10.00 departure. The ride will be 22 miles to the Blue Room Cafe at Abridge and then a further 22 miles to the Green Man pub at Toot hill for lunch where the ride will end.

NB there are three rides currently in the 2024 schedule for 6th, 13th and 23rd October however there are no ride leaders for these at present so if no one comes forward these will not proceed.

Please do your best to support the rides not only to enjoy them but to reward the efforts of the ride arrangers, and hopefully entice them to do more in the future.

Any other business

Website support

George Smith currently does a great job keeping our website updated but is concerned that if anything happens to him we would be stuck so is looking for a bright young thing to train up to help and in need take over the running of the site. He is very happy to explain the dark world of web management to a willing soul so if you think that you have time and would be able to help out please reach out to George either at club night or by email to
UPDATE Richard Parker has kindly volunteered to learn and eventually take over running website. We all agree that he is the bright young thing we are looking for.

Photo Competition

To say we have been underwhelmed with entries for our proposed photo competition would be an understatement! I know that there are lots of budding enthusiasts out there so please do submit your entries for consideration by the committee asap. You can either email them to me or any other of the committee or hand them personally to one of us either at club night or on any of the runs where there are usually one or two of us present. If you don't know who we are just ask, but for clarity any of me, Dave Iszard, John Beckinsale, George Smith, Dave Smith, Rex Croft, Ray Spearman or Dave Coatsworth will gladly accept your entries.

Entries will be judged at the January AGM and there will be a worthy prize for the winner.

Good luck, as things stand the odds on winning are exceptional!

That's all folks



Hi All,

First some sad news. Some of you may already be aware as I believe that Paul Fletcher posted previously on our Facebook page, but I am really sorry to advise that we lost one of our longstanding members and personal friend Dave Overy at the beginning of July. He had been ill for a while but it appears that he went downhill very rapidly and finally succumbed to the dreaded C on 6th July. The service for him will be held at Colchester Crematorium on the 9th August at 15.15 with the hearse leaving his house at around 14.30. His wake will be held after the service at Toms Farm shop, Maldon Road, C05 0QA. His daughter Jo has asked that if any of you would like to attend the wake you just give her a quick call on 07900618995 to give her some idea of numbers.

August is nearly upon us and July's frivolities are fading into the annuls of time. A good European night was deemed another success with Paul O'leary turning up on his very European Kawasaki 250 two stroke. Dave Smith took it out for a test ride and, when he got back, he swore that he could feel his hair growing back to how it was when he was 17. I ducked out early to see England get through in the Euros and ultimately lose. Its now becoming a bit of a tradition - slowly build up in the competition - get the country singing and believing they are going to win and then...................lose!! Anyway enough of that. A few of our members ventured oop north and survived a week in the frozen wastelands of the Lake District and the Dales. They claim they only had one day of rain but I'm not sure that I believe them as at least one has returned showing signs of rust!

A couple of good rides last month, the first led by Stephen Back and tail ended by John Ruth and then a second led by John Beckinsale. Following a complete clutch rebuild under the watchful eyes and direction of our Chairman I pressed my velo into service for John's ride. It wasn't completely releasing but t'intenet said they all do that at the beginning until they" bed in" so off I went. At the coffee stop it hadn't got any better so I decided to ride behind Jim Legg (tail end charley) and we set off for lunch at the Lamarsh Lion. With three miles left to go I lost the clutch completely with the lever coming right back to the handlebars but the Velo trudging forward regardless. Using my skill and dexterity I struggled manfully with clutch-less changes and limped to the lunch stop accompanied by loud crunching and graunching from the gearbox and coming to an abrupt halt out side the pub. Lots of oos and ahhs and suggestions of sell it - it will be the thrunge nut adjuster etc etc I decided to make a quick call to the RAC. They said they would be there in one to two hours - great just enough time for a nice lunch and a drink and home in time for afternoon tea. Unfortunately they turned out to be false promises and eventually at 17.00 I gave in and permitted Dave Coatsworth (my long suffering neighbour) to come out with his fancy foldaway trailer and pick me up accompanied by both wives keen to pop out via the shops. It was only right to treat them all to dinner for their efforts and eventually we got home and put the velo back on the naughty step by about 19.15. Its still there!

I wasn't the only casualty that day as Rod Hill also suffered the indignity of running out of petrol on his R80. this is all much to Stephen Backs delight as he is now convinced that someone else will inherit his "unluckiest rider" trophy. Still plenty of time for you to catch up Stephen!

Augusts club night 14th August 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00
Hot on the heels of their Cockleshell heroes talk we will be having another visit and talk from Julie Miller of the Combined Military Services Museum - this link should get you to their virtual tour This time they will be sharing their secrets of running the museum - how they curate things and how they source exhibits. If the last talk was anything to go by it should be a lively and interesting hour.

Septembers club night 11th September 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

We have another real treat lined up for you, John Young will be coming along to regale us with his experiences of attending the 2011 Iron Butt Rally. He will be passing a bucket round to collect for charity so make sure you bring lots of cash along with you. Hopefully this link with give a bit of an idea what's in store

Upcoming section rides

Sunday 11th August MOVED
Now Wednesday 14th August due to problems booking a lunch stop

George Smith and his son David will be leading another magical mystery tour (I have to call it that as despite his best efforts George always seems to get lost at some point in the ride!) Lunch stop will be the Eagle Kelvedon Hatch and the first tea stop is still to be confirmed. It will be a leisurely ride starting at Writtle Green car park CM1 3DT (what three words matter.foam.tooth) 9.30 for a 10.00 departure

Wednesday 21st August

Steve Hedges and John Sharp will be leading a ride also starting at Writtle Green car park CM1 3DT (what three words matter.foam.tooth) 9.30 for a 10.00 departure. Approximately 50 miles with a coffee stop at High Beech Tea hut returning to the Viper Pub at Mill Green for lunch where the ride ends.

Wednesday 4th September
Dave Bradley will be leading another meander through the hyways and byways of Essex - starting at Tesco's Maldon CM9 4LE (what three words exam.handicaps.whiplash) 9.45 for a 10.15. departure. No morning coffee stop but 40 miles to the Serendipity Cafe at Shoebury Garrison for lunch and afternoon tea/ice cream 21 miles from lunch at the Haybarn Tea rooms Battlesbridge.

Please do your best to support these rides not only to enjoy them but to reward the efforts of the ride arrangers, and hopefully entice them to do more in the future.

Any other business

Dave Iszard will be manning a stand on 4th August at the Museum of Power Motorcycle show. We will have our usual plot with the Gazebo and club members are encouraged to come along and park their bikes for display. Helmet parking and seating will be provided. You will need to arrive nice and early and when you arrive make sure that you tell the marshals "I'm exhibiting on the VMCC stand" so that you are not guided to the general parking areas.

This could be a great opportunity to get that prize winning picture for our new for 2024 picture competition!

That's all for now folks - hopefully I'll catch up with at least some of you either on a club ride or at club night.

