The vintage Motor Cycle Club - VMCC
The Vintage Motor Cycle Club


VMCC Section

Registered Address

Allen House, Wetmore Road,

Burton upon Trent,

Staffordshire, DE14 1TR

Hi All,

Here is Junes update for you - a couple of good rides last month and thanks go to Stuart Strauss and Paul Weston for their organisation and leading skills. It was Stuarts first attempt for the section, and he turned out to be a natural. Although the ride was a little longer than he had originally anticipated the weather was excellent as was the turnout. Paul on the other hand is becoming a seasoned campaigner and his rides continue to take us through some of the lesser know roads in the county - well done guys.

July's club night 10th July 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

July's club night will see a repeat of last years very popular "European" bike night. It is your opportunity to bring out those rarely seen exotic machines from Italy, France, Germany, Czech republic etc etc. You might recall we had one of our biggest turnouts of the year last time including the very exotic and beautifully restored Keohler-Escofier to feast your eyes on - I wonder what will take pride of place this year?

Augusts club night 14th August 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00
Still a work in progress and we have a couple of irons in the fire but as its right in the heart of the holiday season, we may just go for another opportunity to ride in and have a chat. I'll let you know more next month.

Upcoming section rides

Three rides coming up for you, all led by separate ride leaders so it should be an interesting time.
Wednesday 3rd July

A mid-week run led by Stephen Back and John Ruth starting again at Writtle Green car park CM1 3DT (what three words matter.foam.tooth) 9.30 for a 10.00 departure. Approximately 60 miles including a Coffee stop at Ashfields Polo club, Lunch at the Prince of Wales Broxted, and afternoon tea at Cammas Hall Farm ride to finish just outside White Roding on the A1060 Stephen seems to have finally cracked his breakdown gremlins from last year, so that distinction and related trophy is up for grabs again.

Wednesday 17th July

John Beckinsale will be leading a ride starting at Tesco Superstore Maldon but at the earlier time of 9.00 for a 9.30 start. Despite spending the last two weeks swanning about Italy and contracting Covid at the same time, (I bet he didn't declare that at customs!) he has planned a lovely bimble around the local roads - From Tesco's we will go to the Booking Office at Rayne for refreshments, then on to the Lamarsh Lion for lunch (needs to be pre-ordered at the start) and then to Finchingfield for afternoon tea/ice cream finishing at the layby on the A414 just outside Danbury. He also promises that he has found some lesser known roads for us to sample, and obviously glorious sunshine is also guaranteed!

Sunday 11th August

George Smith and his son David will be leading another magical mystery tour (I have to call it that as despite his best efforts George always seems to get lost at some point in the ride!) Destination is currently unknown but it will be a leisurely ride starting at Writtle Green car park CM1 3DT (what three words matter.foam.tooth) 9.30 for a 10.00 departure

Please do your best to support these rides not only to enjoy them but to reward the efforts of the ride arrangers, and hopefully entice them to do more in the future.

Any other business

George Smith will be manning a stand on behalf of the section at the forthcoming Battlesbridge Motorcycle show on 7th July. He has had a good take up from club members so we expect to have a good show of bikes on the stand.

Dave Iszard will be manning a stand on 4th August at the Museum of Power Motorcycle show. We will have our usual plot with the Gazebo and club members are encouraged to come along and park their bikes for display. Helmet parking and seating will be provided. You will need to arrive nice and early and when you arrive make sure that you tell the marshals "I'm exhibiting on the VMCC stand" so that you are not guided to the general parking areas.

Unfortunately no one has come forward to support the upcoming Helen Rollason Cancer Charity Vintage Days; one on Sunday the 14th of July at the lovely Cressing Temple Barns venue and one on Sunday the 25th of August at Layer Marney tower. nor the Goldhanger weekend 14/15th September, for its its annual Gala.

If any of our members would be interested in hosting a stand on behalf of the section at either of theses events please let me know, and I can put you in touch with the relevant organisers. We also have a section Gazebo that can be used to provide shade or cover (depending upon the weather) if required.

Don't forget our 2024 Photo competition

Our new for 2024 photo competition is still live with prizes for the best three pictures to be decided at the end of the year. Subjects should be based upon 2024 Section activities, runs and general VMCC type activity but do let your imagination and creative juices flow.

See you all on the road.


Here is Mays update for you all - Well the Bluebell weekend has now come and gone and a great time was had by all. Thanks to Lesley Willmore for all of her efforts and to other colleagues on the committee and members that helped out especially Dave Izard and Greg Radley. The weather was excellent and in total we raised £127 for group funds as well as lifting the section profile. Lots of pictures and write ups are to be found on the section website and Facebook pages.

We have had a couple of other section rides this month and thanks go to John Beckinsale, Dave Iszard and Brian Irwin for leading. Our pride of ownership event at last club night was again a great success and first prize was won by Kevin McLoughlin with his very nicely restored BSA.

June's club night 12th June 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00
With all the activities we have had recently we thought we would have a night off in June and just make this a natter and noggin meet. Hopefully the weather will be good, so its a great excuse to have a trundle out on your bike.

July's club night 10th July 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

July's club night will see a repeat of last years very popular "European" bike night. It is your opportunity to bring out those exotic machines from Italy, France, Germany, Czech republic etc etc. You might recall we had one of our biggest turnouts of the year last time including the very exotic and beautifully restored Keohler-Escofier to feast your eyes on - I wonder what will take pride of place this year?

Section Ride outs
Three rides for you this month, all led by separate ride leaders, so a good variety and spread.
Wednesday 5th June
Stuart Strauss will be leading his first ride for the section starting at the Barge Inn, Battlesbridge SS11 7RE (what three words trainers.clef.minds) 9.30 for a 10.00 departure. There will be a coffee stop at the Fairways Cafe Hullbridge and it will end at the Ship Pub East Tilbury. Total distance will be around 45 miles.

Wednesday 19th June
An evening ride out led by Paul Weston starting at Writtle Green car park CM1 3DT (what three words matter.foam.tooth) 18.30 for a 19.00 departure. A gentle 30 mile bimble through the Essex streets finishing at a secret location but early enough for you to get home before it gets too dark!
Wednesday 3rd July
A mid-week run led by Stephen Back and John Ruth starting again at Writtle Green car park CM1 3DT (what three words matter.foam.tooth) 9.30 for a 10.00 departure. Approximately 60 miles including a Coffee stop at Ashfields Polo club, Lunch at the Prince of Wales Broxted, and afternoon tea at Cammas Hall Farm ride to finish just outside White Roding on the A1060

Please do your best to support these rides not only to enjoy them but to reward the efforts of the ride arrangers, and hopefully entice them to do more in the future.

Any other business

George Smith will be manning a stand on behalf of the section at the forthcoming Battlesbridge Motorcycle show on Sunday 7th July. He has reserved enough spaces for 10 motorbikes on the stand which will also provide free access to the show for participants. He has a few people that have already volunteered to show off their bikes but still has a few spaces so if you are interested please drop him an email on

Additionally we have been approached by two other organisers to ascertain our interest in participating, firstly the upcoming Helen Rollason Cancer Charity Vintage Days; one on Sunday the 14th of July at the lovely Cressing Temple Barns venue and one on Sunday the 25th of August at Layer Marney tower. Alongside their classic car displays they are looking for some vintage motorcycles and are wondering if any of our members would be interested in attending? These fabulous events make a wonderful day out with food, stalls, music & dancing, all raising much needed funds for their services, supporting people living with cancer in Essex.

Secondly on the weekend 14/15th September, Goldhanger is holding its annual Gala and as part of that on the Saturday they have a classic car display in the Chequers Pub car park. They would be most interested in providing additional variety by adding classic bikes to the overall display.

If any of our members would be interested in hosting a stand on behalf of the section at either of theses events please let me know, and I can put you in touch with the relevant organisers. We also have a section Gazebo that can be used to provide shade or cover (depending upon the weather) if required.

Don't forget our 2024 Photo competition

Our new for 2024 photo competition is now live with prizes for the best three pictures to be decided at the end of the year. Subjects should be based upon 2024 Section activities, runs and general VMCC type activity but do let your imagination and creative juices flow.

Ok that's all for this month - some interesting stuff coming up and hopefully I will you at some or all of the events.


Hi All,

Looks like spring is definitely sprung and April showers are most certainly here. I am delighted to announce that Edward, our number five Grandson duly made his appearance on 21st April and that mother and baby are both doing well. He did make me miss a couple a rides though, although we managed to drive and meet up with Dave Bradleys ride to Bradwell for lunch. I also saw that Dave Iszard led a successful foray to TTT motorcycles at Sudbury to meet up with the East Anglian and the Ipswich and Suffolk sections. We had 18 riders in Dave's group which was more than the other two combined! I guess we must be doing something right - why not join in the fun?

George's ride last Wednesday for those of us lucky enough not to be working was another fun foray into some of the lesser know highways and bi-ways of Essex. It included the obligatory U-turn and a little bit of unplanned route, although George assured me that he always knew exactly where he was. I guess that's technically correct - sitting astride his Ducati!

April's bring and buy was a resounding success. We made £112 for club funds and a lot of people very happy both with their purchases and sales so thanks for all your participation.

Good luck to any and all that are participating in the founders rally tomorrow I hope that the weather is not too bad.

Anyway enough of my drivel and on to the more important bit about what's coming up in the next month.

Mays club night 8th May 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

This month is Pride of Ownership evening where you can vote for the bike that you would most like to take home with you. John Beckinsale will be leading a ride in from Writtle car park (see details below) and there will be tailored trophies that will look great in your trophy cabinet created by our very own woodworking wizard!

June's club night 8th May 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

With all the activities we have had recently we thought we would have a night off in June and just make this a natter and noggin meet. Hopefully the weather will be good, so its a great excuse to have a trundle out on your bike.

Upcoming section rides

Stacks of events coming up this month including the return of our highly regarded Bluebell run:-

Wednesday 8th May evening ride

John Beckinsale will be leading a ride in for the annual "pride of ownership" event. Starting at Writtle Green car park 18.30 for a 19.00 departure ending at the Bell in Woodham Ferrers arriving at around 20.00

9th May -12th May Bluebell weekend see separate details below

Wednesday 15th May evening ride

Dave Iszard will be leading a ride starting at the layby 1 mile west of Danbury on the A414 (towards the A12) 18.30 for 19.00 departure - approximately 20 miles finishing at the Queens Head pub in Maldon (to be confirmed)

Sunday 26th May

Brian Irwin will be leading this ride starting at Marks Farm Tesco, Braintree CM77 8AA 9.30 for 10.00 departure. Coffee stop at Platform one Café at Clare Castle and lunch at Sudbury where the run will end. If necessary Brian will lead a return route back to Braintree through Bulmer and Gestingthorpe.

Other Business

Bluebell run 2024 - Its here this month! The camping weekend will take place from 8th to 12th May inclusive at the Museum of Power Hatfield Road, Langford Maldon CM9 6QA. We are indebted to Lesley Willmore who despite domestic issues with an injured other half to look after, has stepped up to manage the weekend for the club, she will need helpers though so do get in touch especially on site and on the day. Attached are further details and the registration form to be completed asap and these can also be found on our website and Facebook pages. This year it will include five routes including for the first time a gentle off road route to celebrate and remember our sadly departed members Roger Gulliver and Dick Hobart. There will also be a dinner on the Saturday night but I am afraid that it is now full (as will hopefully be the attendees!) so apologies to anyone who didn't get booked in time.

A lot of time and effort goes into organising this event so please do your best to support by participating and joining in the fun.

Don't forget to check out our website and the useful links page to companies. If anyone wants to add a company do let George Smith know by email - this is a useful source of information for our section members.

The website also has some good information and write ups about recent and upcoming events and is particularly helpful if you want to check details of forthcoming section events and rides as this will have the most up to date and accurate information George has also now added a "your comments" facility to make it more inclusive so you can also post your own feedback.

As always George welcomes any pictures or articles to help him keep the website fresh and interactive.

Thanks as always also to Mark who is doing a great job keeping our Facebook page updated as another way of us keeping in touch.

Don't forget our 2024 Photo competition

Our new for 2024 photo competition is now live with prizes for the best three pictures to be decided at the end of the year. Subjects should be based upon 2024 Section activities, runs and general VMCC type activity but do let your imagination and creative juices flow.

That's all from me for now - see you on the road.



Thursday 8th May - SUNDAY 12th May INCLUSIVE


The Essex Section of the VMCC welcome you to the Essex Bluebell Weekend. The whole event will be based at the Museum of Power,

Hatfield Road, Langford, near Maldon, Essex. CM9 6QA.

The entrance to the site is signposted from the B1019,Hatfield Peverel to Maldon Road.

Participants will be able to camp overnight or visit on any of the days. The fee per unit for camping will be £12 per night (which includes

free entry to the Museum of Power on presentation of your VMCC Membership Card). Camping Fees will be collected at the event.

The camping field has a toilet block with separate toilets and washing facilities for Ladies and Gentlemen and a chemical disposal unit.

There are also other Ladies and Gents Toilets elsewhere on the Museum Site including a Disabled Users Toilet. There are no electric hook-up, showers or laundry facilities on the site.

The Museum has a Tea Room where hot and cold food is available

9.30 am to 4 pm. To find out more about the Museum visit

The event will commence at 10.00am on Thursday, but those wishing to camp from Wednesday are welcome to do so. Alternatively Bed and

Breakfast is available nearby from £40 per night at the Mill House Hotel, Tel: 01621 841518.

If you wish to camp, would like to order lunch on Thursday, brunch on Saturday or Fish and Chips for Friday Evening pre orders are required. Also if you would like to join us for the Saturday Evening Meal at the Mill Hotel opposite the camp site complete the attached forms for relevant meals – we are limited to 25.

Petrol may be available on each of the routes comprising this Event, however, there is a Tesco Filling Station in Maldon within 1.5 miles

of the Start which will be open. Drivers are advised to ensure that they start each Run with sufficient fuel to complete the route.

Current VMCC Membership Cards must be shown when Signing On


Wednesday 8th May - Campsite open from 11.00am

Thursday 9th May – Option of two runs as a Memorial to two good riders and club members – the Dick Hobart and Roger Gulliver Runs. One is Byway route and the other is road route (97 miles)– both End over End meeting for Lunch at the Prince of Wales Broxted – a favorite of both Dick and Roger.

Lunch will need to be booked – see form attached

Friday 10th May - This Run will start at 10.00am

Social Run organised by Lesley Willmore approx.98 miles around the lanes of Essex/Suffolk with coffee and lunch stops. This will be route card only

Lunch cannot be pro ordered so there may be a wait.

Friday Evening - Fish and Chips will be brought on to the Site at approx. 6.30pm./7pm Please pre-book using the attached Form. The museum have a marquee for our use - bring your chairs down and join in the fun.

Saturday 11th May - This Run will start 10am sharp

Social Run of approx. 87 miles organised by

Lesley Willmore around the lanes of Essex and Suffolk with breakfast/brunch as the first stop. No lunch stop but one stop in afternoon. Route card only

Brunch will need to be booked – see form attached please get to the pub lastest 11.30.

Saturday Evening - An Evening Meal has been arranged at the Mill Hotel opposite the MOP for 6.30pm for 7.00pm. Please contact Dave Issard

Re booking a place (07543 901340)

Sunday 12th May – This Run will start at 10.00am.

A Social Run of approx.70 miles organised by Lesley Willmore around the lanes of Essex with stops for coffee and lunch. The Sunday lunch will need to be booked in advance no deposit required but food choice necessary– please use attached booking form This run is End over End only.

Campsite closes at 4.30 Sunday Evening.

We hope you enjoy your visit to Essex and have a safe journey home



Thursday 8th May - Sunday 12th May 2024

Name: ……………………………….........................................................…

Address: ………………………………......................................................…


Tel: ………………………………..........…


I/We would like to camp for ……..nights commencing ……………………………..

I/We would like ……place/s at the Thursday Lunch Stop. Prince of Wales, Broxted.

I/We would like to order …… portions of Fish and Chips to be brought to the site on Friday Evening. (To be paid for on the day)

I/We would like ……place/s at the Saturday Brunch Stop at the George Inn, Shalford.

I/We would like ……place/s at the Saturday Evening Meal at the Mill Hotel. £5.00 DEPOSIT BALANCE ON THE EVENING. (Dave Issard organizing- 07543 901340)

I/We would like ……place/s at the Sunday Lunch Stop. The Greenman Bradwell on sea.

No Regulations are issued but please complete this Form and return it to:-

Lesley Willmore, Lower Common House, Lower Green Road, BlackmoreEnd

Essex CM7 4DU Tel: 07971266167 email:

by Saturday 27th April 2024 together with your Entry Fee of £5 for the Event and your food Deposit(s) per Person if you would like to join us for any of the stops.

Please make cheques payable to VMCC Essex Section

Thursday 9th May

The Prince of Wales



Chicken Goujons with choice of dips £6.50

Homemade Soup £6.00

Creamy Garlic Mushrooms £6.00

Homemade Beef Koftas £7.00


Ribeye Steak

All the trimmings £19.95

Beef Burger with Chips peas £16.95

Chicken Burger with lettuce cheddar and mayo

Chips £16.95

Veggie Burger with chips £14.95

Sausage and Mash £12.95

Ham, Egg Chips £10.95

Homemade Pie of the Day £15.95


22nd April 2024

NAME …………………………………………………………………….

Sunday 12th May THE GREEN MAN MENU


Whitebait, tartare sauce.................................................................£6.25

Garlic mushroom...........................................................................£6.25

Duck spring rolls, uoi sin sauce.....................................................£6.25

Smoked mackerel, horseradish sauce..........................................£6.75


Honey roast gammon, egg & chips.............................................£17.50

Chilli con carne, rice & salad.......................................................£17.50

Scampi, chips & salad................................................................£16.50

Salt & pepper squid, sweet chilli sauce, salad & chips..............£16.75

Southern fried chicken burger, onion rings & chips...................£15.50

Vegetable curry, basmati rice....................................................£16.50

Breaded chicken katso curry, basmati rice...............................£17.50

Spinach & ricotta cannelloni, side salad..................................£16.75

Vegetable samosas, salad & chips..........................................£16.75

Choice of roast dinner, pork chicken or sirloin beef

Roast potatoes, vegetables & Yorkshire pudding....................£16.50

Go large for extra £3.00

Side roast potatoes £3.50 - cauliflower cheese £3.75

Vegan and Gluten free meals available on request

Please advise of allergies





I am sad to advise that our President Ray received a call yesterday from Ross Johnson, telling him that unfortunately her husband Joe Johnson has passed away after a battle with liver cancer. Joe and Ross were longstanding members of the club, and if any members would like to attend the funeral to pay their respects, it will be held on 20th March at 12.30 at the Three Counties Crematorium, Halstead Road, High Garrett, Braintree CM7 5PB

I am sure that you will all join me in sending our condolences to Ross and the rest of Joe's family.


Hi all,

Well the dust has settled after our annual AGM, with all three of the key positions re-elected, George and David Smith returning, and Paul Fletcher and Ray Spearman stepping down from committee. Fortunately Dave Coatsworth and Rex Croft have stepped up to take their place so we are once again quorate for 2024.

I for one am looking forward to another successful year and to building on that success as we continue to grow our membership and engagement - if you haven't already been along, why not come along to a club night or even dip your toe in one of our excellent club runs with your newly restored or rebuilt classic? Don't forget we also now welcome modern machinery on the rides - just be prepared to be stuck in first gear all the way!😏

March club night 13th March 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

This month we have a presentation from Emma Airey who is the Head of RH Insurance a specialist insurance company focussing on vintage machinery. It promises to be really interesting as she will try to debunk all the myths about Motorcycle insurance. Would be great if we could get a really good turnout for the evening please folks.

April club night 10th April 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

April will be our popular annual bring and buy auction night. This is your opportunity to empty out your garages and sheds of all that invaluable stuff that you've been collecting just in case, sell it on and take home someone else's s..t! - Oops I mean invaluable stuff. 10% of all sales will go into club funds. Should be a lot of fun and who knows we might even turn up a barn find Brough Superior for pennies - are you listening Ed??😁

Upcoming section rides

Sunday 17th March Cobwebs run

This will be our first run for 2024 and will be led by Paul Fletcher. Starting at 9.30 for a departure from Writtle Car Park it will be approximately 50 miles with a Mid-morning coffee stop and finish at South Woodham Ferrers Town Centre.

Sunday 7th April

Dave Bradley will be leading a ride starting at Lake Meadows 9.30 for a 10.00 departure. It will be approximately 58 miles with a Morning stop at the Potting Shed Bicknacre a Lunch stop Kings Head Bradwell and for those that can stay the course afternoon tea at Buckhatch Nurseries.

Why not dip your toe in the water and try leading a ride yourself? If you fancy having a go please let me know or speak with one of the other committee members. You can choose the date, time, distance and start/end points - what could be easier. Attached is the updated diary for 2024 many dates are still open, but feel free to put your hand up if you would like to lead a ride on any alternative date.

A quick reminder that up to date Details of all rides can be found on our website

Other Business

Bluebell run 2024 - as you are aware the committee decided to re-instate the Bluebell run weekend in 2024. We have now agreed dates with the Museum of Power and the camping weekend will take place from 8th to 12th May inclusive. Lesley Willmore has very kindly stepped up to manage the weekend for the club but is keen to have helpers. There will be more details nearer the time but I wanted to give you early notice and also ask anyone interested in helping with the arrangements to put their names forward as soon as possible either by email to me or speak to one of the other committee members.

Don't forget to check out our website and the recently added companies to the useful links page. If anyone wants to add a company do let George Smith know by email - this is a useful source of information for our section members.

The website also has some good information and write ups about recent and upcoming events and is particularly helpful if you want to check details of forthcoming section events and rides as this will have the most up to date and accurate information

As always George welcomes any pictures or articles to help him keep the website fresh and interactive.

Thanks as always also to Mark who is doing a great job keeping our Facebook page updated as another way of us keeping in touch.

Don't forget our 2024 Photo competition

Our new for 2024 photo competition is now live with prizes for the best three pictures to be decided at the end of the year. Subjects should be based upon 2024 Section activities, runs and general VMCC type activity but do let your imagination and creative juices flow. Maybe our winner will come for the Cobwebs run?? Do we have any budding Michael Lichter's in the club? (another new one for you to look up!)


I've been asked by Brent Fielder of Bedfordshire VMCC section to make you all aware of their upcoming quiz night in case any of you fancy a trundle over their way - Some really excellent prizes 😉😆

Well that's all for now - hope to see some of you out and about.



Hi All,

Sorry its a bit later than usual but afraid a number of health issues hit the Enticknap household over Christmas/January period including latterly a bout of Covid, but hopefully we are all now on the way back to better health.

Annual AGM club night 14th February 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00 - agenda attached

Yes I know that it's Valentines night so why not bring your sweetheart along and they can enjoy the nibbles and free (yes free) raffle. We will also have the now traditional presentation of awards for section members - Awards up for grabs include Most rides attended, Most unlucky rider, Clubman of the year and Lady attendee - will you win one?? Our Chairman is busy slaving over a hot lathe as we speak, producing another clutch of priceless trophies that you will be able to pass on to your children for posterity.

I believe that all present Committee incumbents are happy to re-stand for their roles again, apart from Paul Fletcher, in 2024 so hopefully it should be a short painless affair, leaving more time for the nibbles and raffle.

March club night 13th March 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

We have a presentation from Emma Airey who is the Head of RH Insurance a specialist insurance company. It promises to be really interesting as she will debunk all the myths about Motorcycle specialist insurance. Would be great if we could get a really good turnout for the evening please folks.

Upcoming section rides

Sunday 17th March Cobwebs run

This will be our first run for 2024 and will be led by Paul Fletcher. Starting at Writtle Car Park it will be approximately 50 miles with a Mid-morning coffee stop and finish at South Woodham Ferrers Town Centre.

Sunday 7th April

Dave Bradley will be leading a ride starting at Lake Meadows 9.30 for a 10.00 departure. It will be approximately 58 miles with a Morning stop at the Potting Shed Bicknacre a Lunch stop Kings Head Bradwell and for those that can stay the course afternoon tea at Buckhatch Nurseries.

Why not dip your toe in the water and try leading a ride yourself? If you fancy having a go please let me know or speak with one of the other committee members. You can choose the date, time, distance and start/end points - what could be easier. Attached is the updated diary for 2024 many dates are still open, but feel free to put your hand up if you would like to lead a ride on any alternative date.

A quick reminder that up to date Details of all rides can be found on our website

Other Business

Bluebell run 2024 - as you are aware the committee decided to re-instate the Bluebell run weekend in 2024. We have now agreed dates with the Museum of Power and the camping weekend will take place from 8th to 12th May inclusive. Lesley Willmore has very kindly stepped up to manage the weekend for the club but is keen to have helpers. There will be more details nearer the time but I wanted to give you early notice and also ask anyone interested in helping with the arrangements to put their names forward as soon as possible either by email to me or speak to one of the other committee members.

Don't forget to check out our website and the recently added companies to the useful links page. If anyone wants to add a company do let George Smith know by email - this is a useful source of information for our section members.

The website also has some good information and write ups about recent and upcoming events and is particularly helpful if you want to check details of forthcoming section events and rides as this will have the most up to date and accurate information

As always George welcomes any pictures or articles to help him keep the website fresh and interactive.

Thanks as always also to Mark who is doing a great job keeping our Facebook page updated as another way of us keeping in touch.

Hot News 2024 Photo competition

New for 2024 we have decided to run a photo competition with prizes for the best three pictures to be decided at the end of the year. Subjects should be based upon 2024 Section activities, runs and general VMCC type activity but do let your imagination and creative juices flow. Do we have any budding Ansel Adams's in the club? (look him up!) Not sure what the prizes will be as yet but you can be sure they will be worthwhile!

As bugs bunny always said "That's all folks"! Hope to see at least some of you at the AGM.


HI All,

Well with Christmas now firmly behind us and New Year to look forward to here is what I expect to be my final round robin for 2023. I hope that Santa was kind and your nearest and dearest managed to source that thingamywhatsit that you had been hoping for. The weather has been a bit mixed and its not looking like changing anytime soon, so now is the time to complete those winter fettling and rebuild jobs that you've been putting off.

Club night 10th January at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words iterative.tougher.recital)


I am afraid that the highways department have decided to work on Main road in January which means access to the Bell will be all but impossible. Under the circumstances Sue has told us that she will be closing while the works are being completed. This means that we are forced to move our annual AGM instead to club night 14th February 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

Yes I know that it's Valentines night so why not bring your sweetheart along and they can enjoy the nibbles and free (yes free) raffle. We will also have the now traditional presentation of awards for section members - Awards up for grabs include Most rides attended, Most unlucky rider, Clubman of the year and Lady attendee - will you win one?? Our Chairman is busy slaving over a hot lathe as we speak, producing another clutch of priceless trophies that you will be able to pass on to your children for posterity.

I believe that all present Committee incumbents are happy to re-stand for their roles again in 2024, nevertheless if you want to propose (and get seconded) anyone else for any of the roles please do let me know by latest end of January.

Upcoming section rides

With 2024 almost upon us attention is now well and truly turned to runs next year and I am delighted to say that I have already had offers from George Smith, Brian Irwin and a new virgin leader Stuart Strauss well done and thanks Stuart! Why not dip your toe in the water like Stuart and have a go at leading a ride yourself? If you fancy having a go please let me know or speak with one of the other committee members. You can choose the date, time, distance and start/end points - what could be easier. Check the updated Future Events for 2024 many dates are open, but feel free to put your hand up if you would like to lead a ride on any alternative date.

A quick reminder that up to date Details of all rides can be found on our website

Other Business

Bluebell run 2024 - as you are aware the committee decided to re-instate the Bluebell run weekend in 2024. We have now agreed dates with the Museum of Power and the camping weekend will take place from 8th to 12th May inclusive. There will be more details later but I wanted to give you early notice and also ask anyone interested in helping with the arrangements to put their names forward as soon as possible either by email to me or speak to one of the other committee members.

Don't forget to check out our website and the recently added companies to the useful links page. If anyone wants to add a company do let George Smith know by email - this is a useful source of information for our section members.

The website also has some good information and write ups about recent and upcoming events and is particularly helpful if you want to check details of forthcoming section events and rides as this will have the most up to date and accurate information

As always George welcomes any pictures or articles to help him keep the website fresh and interactive.

Thanks as always also to Mark who is doing a great job keeping our Facebook page updated as another way of us keeping in touch.

That's all from me for now other than to wish you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year


Hi All,

Here is my November update for you. First a big thankyou to John and Ann for a very successful quiz night. I am sure that many of you will I have noticed that my team and I weren't there to continue our unbeaten run, but I understand that team Fletcher have picked up the baton. All I will say is "Roll on next year!"
Club night 13th December at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00
We have arranged for Julie Miller, Curator of the Maldon Military Museum, to come along and talk to us about how the museum was started and is run, some information about their exhibits, how they source them and their plans for the future. It sounds like its going to be an interesting talk, and certainly something for the history buffs amongst us.
Early warning we will be holding our annual AGM on club night 10th January 2024 at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words.iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45for 20.00

In addition to the AGM we will be arranging a few nibbles and a free (yes free) raffle. We will also have the now traditional presentation of awards for section members - Awards up for grabs include Most rides attended, Most unlucky rider, Clubman of the year and Lady attendee - will you win one?? Our Chairman is busy slaving over a hot lathe as we speak, producing another clutch of priceless trophies that you will be able to pass on to your children for posterity.

I believe that all present Committee incumbents are happy to re-stand for their roles again in 2024, nevertheless if you want to propose (and get seconded) anyone else for any of the roles please do let me know by latest December club night.

Upcoming section rides
We are starting to turn our attention to 2024 so if you fancy having a go at leading a ride please let me know or speak with one of the other committee members. You can choose the date, time, distance and start/end points - what could be easier. All dates are open, but feel free to put your hand up if you would like to lead a ride on any alternative date.
A quick reminder that up to date Details of all rides can be found on our website
Other Business
Bluebell run 2024 - as you are aware the committee decided to re-instate the Bluebell run weekend in 2024. We have now agreed dates with the Museum of Power and the camping weekend will take place from 9th to 12th May inclusive. There will be more details later but I wanted to give you early notice and also ask anyone interested in helping with the arrangements to put their names forward as soon as possible either by email to me or speak to one of the other committee members.
Don't forget to check out our website and the recently added companies to the useful links page. If anyone wants to add a company do let George Smith know by email - this is a useful source of information for our section members.
The website also has some good information and write ups about recent and upcoming events and is particularly helpful if you want to check details of forthcoming section events and rides as this will have the most up to date and accurate information
As always George welcomes any pictures or articles to help him keep the website fresh and interactive.
Thanks as always also to Mark who is doing a great job keeping our Facebook page updated as another way of us keeping in touch.
Hopefully I will catch up with some of you in person at club night, but for those I miss, can I just take this opportunity to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year - Yes I know its still only November but so what? Bah Humbug!
That's all from me for now.
See you on the road.
Secretary Essex VMCC

Hi All,

Latest update for you (just squeezed in before November!)

Club night 8th November at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

Novembers club night sees the annual quiz night delivered by John and Ann Beckinsale This will be a fun and highly entertaining evening, so time to get out your encyclopaedias and start to mug up. Its also the one evening that you can bring your other halves along, safe in the knowledge that they wont be bored stiff with talk about bikes! Guests are welcome (as long as they are not too clever) and there are prizes to be won as well - what's not to like?

Club night 13th December at the Bell Inn Woodham Ferrers CM3 8RG (what three words iterative.tougher.recital) 19.45 for 20.00

We are in discussion with the Museum of Power to see if they can provide a speaker for us, but if this falls through it will have to be a natter night (oh and an opportunity to swap Christmas cards and presents hint hint!)

Early warning that we will be holding our annual AGM on 10th January 2024

In addition to the AGM we will be arranging a few nibbles and a free (yes free) raffle. I believe that all present incumbents are happy to re-stand but if you want to propose (and get seconded) anyone else for any of the roles please let me know by latest December club night.

Upcoming section rides

Well as you are no doubt aware unfortunately John Ruth was forced to cancel his planned end of season ride due to the terrible weather we have been experiencing. Not sure if he will be able to squeeze it in now the clocks have gone back but rest assured I will let you know as soon as I hear anything.

Nothing else planned for this year unless we get a flurry of last minute offers!

We are starting to turn our attention to 2024 so if you fancy having a go at leading a ride please let me know or speak with one of the other committee members. You can choose the date, time, distance and start/end points - what could be easier. I will send out a provisional diary next month but feel free to put your hand up before then.

A quick reminder that up to date Details of all rides can be found on our website

Other Business

I have received an approach from the Ipswich and Suffolk group to have a get together in 2024. It will probably be somewhere like TTT motorcycles at Sudbury but I'll fill you in once dates and times are agreed.

Bluebell run 2024 - as you are aware the committee decided to re-instate the Bluebell run weekend in 2024. There will be more details later but at the moment I wanted to give you early notice and also ask anyone interested in helping with the arrangements to put there names forward as soon as possible either by email to me or speak to one of the other committee members.

Don't forget to check out our website and the recently added companies to the useful links page. If anyone wants to add a company do let George Smith know by email - this is a useful source of information for our section members.

The website also has some good information and write ups about recent and upcoming events and is particularly helpful if you want to check details of forthcoming section events and rides as this will have the most up to date and accurate information

As always George welcomes any pictures or articles to help him keep the website fresh and interactive.

Thanks as always also to Mark who is doing a great job keeping our Facebook page updated as another way of us keeping in touch.

That's all from me for now.

See you on the road.



Secretary Essex VMCC